WISE Site Planning Document


Site Purpose

The Weather – Information – South – East (WISE) website provides Preston, Soda Springs, and Fish Haven's local communities' up-to-date information on local weather and events.

Content Objectives

  1. The design is consistent throughout the website providing ease of navigation and supporting positive user experiences.
  2. The header contains a logo, site title, and a site motto.
  3. The navigation menu contains links to the six (6) main pages, including: Home, Preston, Soda Springs, Fish Haven, Storm Center, and Gallery.
  4. The footer contains contact information and a location map and copyright information, the author's name, terms of use link, and the current date.
  5. The home page contains a current weather story with corresponding images and information sections for all three towns.
  6. The town weather pages contain weather conditions and other town information or relevant articles/content.
  7. Images reflect the current weather condition data on the town pages and the towns themselves.
  8. The site supports responsive design techniques allowing delivery of the site and its content on all classes of devices—large-wide screens (desktop/laptop), medium-screens (tablet), and small-screens (smartphones).


The domain name wise.buzz is available for a premium fee of $54 in the inital year followed by an annual fee estimated at $56.00.

Website Logo

Image of earth under free license by Steven Goddard from Pixabay

Site Logo